Friday, July 20, 2012

Freeze ahead omlette experiment

Omletes! Who doesn't love an omelet? Some of us are MUCHO better at making a perfect omlete. Most of the time I start making an omlette then end up stirring into veggie scrambled eggs. Tastes the same and much less frustrating! LOL  Anyway, whatever level of skill we can probably agree that we love omletes! I had some veggies out of my garden, tomatoes from a friends garden, and a few grocery veggies that needed to be used up. So I stared at this pile of yummy veggies until Savannah said she wanted scrambled eggs. DING DING DING! Freeze ahead omletes! Of course I went ahead and made Savannah's breakfast first, then went into freeze ahead mode.

So for breakfast Savannah's (my beautiful snazzy little 3yr old) got a veggie omlette this morning that consisted of: 1 egg, kale, onions, banana pepper, green bell pepper, tomatoes, garlic, salt & pepper
I turned her omlette into an omlette sandwich, but lets just say there was only 2 bites left of an entire breakfast sandwich. So I pressed forward!

Here is my photo journey through my "freeze ahead omlette experiment"

The veggies I started with are on this plate.

Washed up veggies, squeezed extra juice from tomatoes

Chopped all the vegetables

Tossed with a fork, portioned out in 1/2 cup measurements

Placed each portion into a sandwhich bag

Just one bowl full gave me 7 bags of 1/2 cup of veggies to place in future omlettes.

And finally all small sandwhich bags, placed into one big freezer zip lock for later!

Really excited for Saturday morning breakfast now! If all goes well the remainder of the same ingredients will all find themselves froze ahead the same way in larger portions for other meals like meatloaf, spaghetti, etc


Sunday, July 15, 2012

OMG a chicken just laid an egg in OUR backyard!

OMG, a chicken just laid an egg in OUR backyard homestead in the making! First egg we've EVER GROWN ourselves! If you know me, you KNOW how excited I am right now! My husband found it, so it's a surprise to us that our chickens are going to start laying. OMG we're NOT READY yet until the end of the week! SO we're going to have to run to HILL's Lawn and Garden tomorrow and get straw to set up 5 gallon bucket nesting boxes until we can HURRY up and build the permanent chicken COOP THIS WEEKEND!

You know the old saying not putting the horse before the cart? WELL, I apparently have chickens starting to lay eggs without home! GEEEZ

Well you live and learn, but can I just tell you how OVER JOYED I am right now! I want to run out and find the chicken responsible and HUG her!

our 1st homegrown egg EVER
Clint's hand to egg ratio, LOL

and our first is a double yoker!!!

We did not eat this one, because 1 we have no idea how long ago she laid, and 2 well we're just in shock a chicken just laid an egg in OUR back yard.  Who KNEW that you become SO dependent walking into a grocery store and grabbing eggs that you know NOTHING about that when you have your first homegrown chicken egg you panic and don't know if you should eat it or not?  WOW, what an eye opening experience these lessons we've been learning through our quest to take back some of our dependence off of others!  SO there WILL be MORE chicken adventures to come SOONER than expected! LOL

Praise God for these continued blessings!