Friday, September 14, 2012

Project Table Top Salad & Pea Tower

Woke up this morning with THE WORST migraine! When my 3 year old woke up ready to start her backyard homestead/ fantasy farming chores I thought MAYBE just MAYBE being in my "happy place" would instantly fix my migraine! NOT! After picking the okra, peppers, eggplant, I was dizzy and head pounding collecting the eggs. Had to come straight in and lay in recliner on ice for about 4 hours. But Savannah knows just how to make her momma feel better, she ran and got my black sharpy along with my new seed catalog we just got in the mail. So I took the sharpy, but she flipped through the vegetables telling me "we can grow that if we want to momma" and periodically kissing my forward.  Her methods are magical and they worked <3

Savi-G in her green gardening froggy boots taking care of her chickens! Fresh feed & water, and gave them some organic eggplant & swiss chard from our garden. They fight for eggplant! Glad they love it as much as we do. She asked me to take her picture with her chickens this morning, um of course!


After starting the day with a horrific migraine for 1/2 the day, Savi-G and I decided to head outside and get some organic salad & radishes planted. And also wanted to get 3 of our 6 pea towers planted! We're still working on the peas, but the mesulun and radishes are planted!

 We're still working on the pea towers, but are going to grow sugar snap, snow, and green peas in different buckets for our salads!

We'll be planting spinach, and more swiss chard tomorrow hopefully! I wanted to grow much more this fall, but I know if I go ahead and focus on Spring I'll triplicate our production this next go around, so I'm growing a few things until then.

Hope you've enjoyed our continued journey to begin growing most of our fruits, vegetables, eggs, and raising some of our own meats! I hope to be adding some family fishing & hunting adventures next year. Planning in process!

Get out there and grow SOMETHING!
