Friday, January 22, 2016

Winter Storm 2016 - I'm ready for spring growing!

Good afternoon to our growing peeps! We hope you're staying warm, cozy, bellies filled, and enjoying the extra family time that winter weather often brings!  Personally, I do not like snow or ice, but I do enjoy watching the joy it brings others like my sweet daughter, who in her youngness can't see all the inconveniences that winter weather can bring. I mean the internet could go down, we could be without cable for a few days, our cell phones may not work, we're not going to be able to just run to the store to pickup what we forgot, and there may not be pizza delivery for a few days! And then I think, "are being without these conveniences for just a little while really that bad?" Nope, in my personal opinion it's not. Don't get me wrong I enjoy these conveniences, but can definitely go without them atleast for a while!
Actually, my daughter is more focused on the joy and excitement of life standing still for a just few hours or several days, rather than the hardships or inconveniences of life happening through a disrupting storm. She makes a very valid silent argument here!

Winter Storm 2016- Our little fantasy farm sleeps!
     Even though our garden is forced into a deep sleep right now in this winter season, I'm excited that seasons change, people! If you're in an extended winter like I am personally, then be encouraged, spring always comes as the winter season ends! And, praise the Lord when spring comes, newness begins to appear as winter slowly fades away! And I can tell you that I am so very ready for a spring in my life! I am ready for a spring slap full of newness and new growth! In February, in the coldest part of winter, here, where we are, beautiful fresh chives begin to poke through snow and ice with vibrant green blades while everything else is still wet, soggy, nasty, dead, dreary, & frigid! If you're a gardener your favorite herb is chives! It is mine and not due to it's fresh flavor! Chives are my favorite herb to grow because chives signals spring newness is coming even when I can't see spring physically anywhere in sight with my own eyes, but those tiny sprigs of green that reach up through such adverse conditions renews my faith that spring is indeed near even though I can't see it yet.

Organic Chives-Feb 2014 with snow on the ground

Organic Chives- March 2014 growing through ice

Organic Chives- May 2014 with old winter no where in site

     I really hope your family will consider picking up chive starters to transplant in your first garden or a great addition to your current family garden this year! Once established your chives, which are perennials, are going to come back every year and they come back much thicker every year. Chives multiply all by themselves! And you too will have your own secret indicator that spring freshness is almost here even when you can't see it yet!

     I recommend both transplanting chive starters, and sowing lots of chive seeds in the spring after all danger of frost has past. It's always good to learn to germinate your own seeds of each vegetable even if you buy starters for conveniences. Sometimes you bank on your starters taking right off, but sometimes their growth stunts at first or the starter just doesn't make it at all. This can be rather discouraging especially during your first year and first gardening attempt!

     When sowing chive seeds don't freak out if you don't see the sprouts immediately they can take 7-14 days to germinate! I'd sow no deeper than 1/4" and make sure to gently sprinkle potting mix or light weight soil over the top to cover. Pack down the soil gently but firmly with your hand (for the injured/ill just walk across the row lightly toe to toe to the end of the row), then water gently in and keep the soil moist until all have sprouted! Your outdoor soil really needs to be consistently 60 degrees or higher to germinate well.

     Last night as the winter storm was inching closer to us I always get to work pre-making several conveniences that will warm up quick and easily either on our gas grill or on top of our wood burning stove. Generally, I make extra and divide a few portions out in the event we need to take our elderly neighbors a hot meal if need be. Two years ago we had a knock at the door from one of our elderly neighbors who didn't have an alternative heat source, so she came here knowing we keep them in mind and have a wood burning stove.

     When you see me preparing ahead of a weather storm, it's not because I'm afraid or freaking out because I work daily to keep us prepared ahead of the need as God provides. I'm actually preparing ahead to feed more than my own family if the need arises! God will and does supply all of our needs and most of the time He's done that several months in advance, but He may call on us to supply someone else's needs during the unexpected events so we like to try and be ready.

     One of those quick and easy meals we began preparing ahead was homemade BBQ shredded pork tenderloin & homemade potato salad. I let the pork tenderloin slow cook all day yesterday with a whole chopped onion, and garlic, pink salt only. Last night I shredded it up with a fork and poured BBQ sauce over it, tossed, and then turned the crock pot up on high just to get the BBQ sauce to adhere. After the crock pot cooled we divided, some went to the fridge, and some went to the freezer broke down into smaller freezer bags.  I'd planned on making the potato salad today since I was too tired last night, but my sweet husband decided he wanted to learn how to make what I call "church picnic potato salad". I love it when someone wants to learn something, it means they get the opportunity to grow just a little more in that moment. Today daddy grew a little bit, as he now knows how to make my church picnic potato salad on his own! It will go nicely with the BBQ shredded pork tenderloin sandwiches I think?


Video (for his grandmother) of daddy finishing up his first church picnic potato salad:

Yeah my daughter was all like, "Snow? We may not be able to leave? Hot brownie bites?" You can see how unfazed she is by all the inconveniences this winter storm has dealt out. And the most exciting part was we were all home together which is what life is all about anyway!
I learn so much from her daily like don't sweat the small stuff and just pass the brownie bites! LOL 
And as always we pray that you will continue to take every opportunity to grow in what God has for you and your family in 2016, because for me ijustwannagrow!

Monday, December 21, 2015

Checking In

Hope everyone is well and have enjoyed growing in the year 2015! I've been away for a while waiting for God to show me how I could best use ijustwannagrow for Him in encouragement to others.  I believe I have more direction as to how that can be accomplished moving forward or ATLEAST a direction for now! I'll be back 1st of the year with ATLEAST a weekly blog! For now I pray that God blesses your family in 2016 with plenty of growing personally, in friendships, your family, and OF COURSE in your gardens! 

PS- While I was away I've done some growing on my own ;) 



Saturday, February 14, 2015

Chicken Adventures- Valentines 2015

Our first and only rooster Pretty Boy Floyd

Floyd and the chicken to the left that has the white ear? She lays white eggs. So fyi, you can tell what color eggs a chicken is going to lay  by their ears. 

Pretty Boy Floyd loves his picture take as you an see! 

This chicken lays medium sized white eggs. I'd rather have large egg layers! And these girls are a bit on the snitty side if you will. They are escape artists as well! Always causing a ruckus! We love them, but we more than like won't get anymore of this variety by choice!

We LOVE our black Australorps! GREAT BIG brown egg layers! I mean HUGE eggs! We'll be getting more of these beautiful birds this year! Very happy with this breed! And very docile in our opinion! They don't make waves, and the do and don't do what ever Floyd allows.

Black Australorp

Bottoms up! They're doing a great job preparing our brassica patch for spring!

I get new baby chicks this weekend for Valentine's Day gift! I can not wait to have chicky babies again! My daughter and I LOVE this time of year! 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Zaycon Chicken Fritters Review

First of all it's NO SECRET we LOVE Zaycon Foods. We've been extremely happy customers for almost 2 years now! We have YET to have a bad experience and we don't plan on having one anytime soon. This is our first time ordering Zaycon's pre-breaded chicken fritters. They come in a box with 4 x 5lb bags. And it may not look like much in those two bags, but let me tell you 5lbs is A LOT! I ordered 2 cases for my family and happened to have enough referral credit built up that we were able to purchase a third case and we split the third case in half sharing between 2 other families. Man what a blessing God provided for us all! There are absolutely NO excuses for this family to find themselves in a drive-thru of any sorts order anything ESPECIALLY chicken nuggets/strips/chicken sandwich/chicken parm subs/ or anything of that nature, because we can make it at home quickly and for much less with our order! So here's our first meal using our fritters! 
4 - 5lb bags to a case
We just toasted some rolls in a pan
We tossed fritters in a sauce pan frozen with a jar of our favorite marinara
Pulled the shredded mozzarella out of fridge we just picked up on $ale
And tossed steak fries in the oven 
Barely 20 minutes later we were ready to build these bad boys
Hot seasoned fries straight from the oven on the side
Sprinkled the cheese on that hot pan toasted bun

2 chicken fritters with extra marinara 
Folded that saucy puppy over
And I had one amazingly HAPPY HUSBAND!
After the first bite. You can see how quickly this was devoured!

If you've never heard of or ordered from Zaycon Foods we just want to say we are COMPLETELY happy with every single purchase and the Customer Service is OUTSTANDING! They literally do all the work for you! We love the pay now, pick up later concept! It gives us time to prepare for our incoming bulk order and we can think through how best to use our purchase and how to find a way to share each order with other families! We have a referral link that you can click on, set your family up your own FREE account and search for sales in your area! You don't have to be in our state to click on our referral link! 
Just Click Here

Saturday, November 9, 2013

I'm still alive! And a homestead update

Man, have things been SUPER crazy here around our .44 acre homestead in the making! We've been busy learning SO many new things that we've not had the time to sit and post anything on our blog. We have been able to manage uploading to our ijustwannagrow facebook page to try and keep people learning what we're learning and answering as many questions as we can to help pass on the learning we're learning or have learned. Our facebook page is . Come by and like our page and stay up to date on our progress in having fun "growing" as a family and sharing with friends and family!

This year is quickly coming to an end and my head is spinning how much we accomplished for ourselves here at home, how much money we've saved in doing more ourselves, and how much more we've learned throughout this year!

Some of the things we've learned:

>how to make our own laundry detergent (thank you to the Duggar Family for sharing their recipes) by the way we've washed laundry on $18 worth of homemade detergent for the ENTIRE 12 months of 2013! Who needs a coupon, seriously?

>learned how to stretch off brand liquid fabric softener

>learned how to make our own cleaning products

>learned how to grow fresh greens through the winter

>learned how to grow new crops successfully: 3 types of kale, pumpkin, salad mixes, broccolini, potatoes, and a few others that I just can't remember

>we grew our own: scallions, chives, rosemary, oregano, sage, leaf lettuce, romaine lettuce, bib lettuce, salad greens, spinach, radishes, carrots, eggplant, pumpkin, summer squash, LOTS (buckets) of tomatoes, over 200lbs of cucumbers, swiss chard, dill, pole beans, bush beans, okra,  savoy cabbage, broccoli, kale, potatoes, green peas, sugar snap peas, snow peas, and a few others that I just can't remember right now

>learned how to make a green bean teepee

>learned how to sheet mulch with cardboard requiring NO DIGGING to start new garden space

>learned how to merge two flocks of chickens: we're up to 9 and adding 4-6 more in the spring! YAY

>learned how to pressure can from YOUTUBE VIDEOS LOL

>learned how to buy meat in bulk by only buying one meat at a time then canning it all up for the pantry

>learned how to dehydrate with skill

>learned to get out of buying prepackaged foods and do it ourselves now or don't buy it in most cases

>learned how to make our own instant rice blends, and herb blends

>learned how to cost every thing we buy based of cost per unit of measure

>learned how to share MORE than we ever have before

>got to help teach several families how to grow their own food, how to raise backyard chickens, and how to can their own food

God has been TRULY amazing this year to our family! My head still spins when I think about all He has brought us through, all He has shown us, and all that He continues to ask us to learn/grow moving forward!

We are truly blessed with amazing friends & family and we've been apart of some amazing "growing" opportunities this year both in the garden and out of the garden this year!

Got a busy end to 2013 coming up, and looking forward to growing more both in the garden and out in 2014.

So definitely stay tuned!

Glory to God,


Thursday, August 8, 2013

New 2013 Adventures Coming Soon...stay tuned!

Lots of new learning & adventures took place since I've last blogged. I'll be back with LOTS of new

learning come September. So stay tuned! Hope you enjoyed your families, friends, and those gardens

this summer! Prayers to all!

Praise the Lord for all of our blessings this summer!


Monday, May 27, 2013

Raised Bed relocation project underway

Awh, just like I've always it's GROW GROW GROW! I finally WON 1/2 the front yard growing space! I knew my husband would finally break :D  Love him! Will post as the garden looks much more lush! And lots more edible! LOL  I have 2 4 x16's still in the back with all the spring stuff.
