Saturday, February 14, 2015

Chicken Adventures- Valentines 2015

Our first and only rooster Pretty Boy Floyd

Floyd and the chicken to the left that has the white ear? She lays white eggs. So fyi, you can tell what color eggs a chicken is going to lay  by their ears. 

Pretty Boy Floyd loves his picture take as you an see! 

This chicken lays medium sized white eggs. I'd rather have large egg layers! And these girls are a bit on the snitty side if you will. They are escape artists as well! Always causing a ruckus! We love them, but we more than like won't get anymore of this variety by choice!

We LOVE our black Australorps! GREAT BIG brown egg layers! I mean HUGE eggs! We'll be getting more of these beautiful birds this year! Very happy with this breed! And very docile in our opinion! They don't make waves, and the do and don't do what ever Floyd allows.

Black Australorp

Bottoms up! They're doing a great job preparing our brassica patch for spring!

I get new baby chicks this weekend for Valentine's Day gift! I can not wait to have chicky babies again! My daughter and I LOVE this time of year! 

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