Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Correction: Aphids not Cutworms!

I have Aphids on two plants. And the funny thing is the plants that are affected where in the garage not transplanted yet. I'll have to dust them with diatomaceous tomorrow for sure!

I'm totally stoked about a new book I ordered today. I found a few books I'd like to add to my gardening research books :D 

Vertical Gardening: Grow Up, Not Out, for More Vegetables and Flowers in Much Less Space [Paperback]/Derek Fell  - bought off of Amazon

I'm supposed to get it tomorrow and I could not be more excited! I also ordered a 6lb box of Azomite (organic trace minerals) to help replenish the soil as I harvest my vegetables and space opens up in my beds :D 

The next few days are rainy, so not much will be going on outside in the garden but I will be moving my small cuke transplants into larger pots for a bit longer. And will be starting more swiss chard & lettuce starters :D

Grow something ya'll!

, ijustwannagrow

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