Monday, May 9, 2011

Olive Juice! I love Olive Juice! I could drink it through a straw!

I like ALL olives, but could totally drink green olive juice until the cows come home! I don't know why, but I just love green olive juice. Anyway, I wanted a snack and couldn't decide until I remembered I just bought 4 new jars of green olives for my pantry! Yep went straight for the olives!

Watered my garden this evening just enough to get by until tomorrow when the rain is finally upon us for the next several days. I was afraid to let my veggies go another day without water, so I gave them all a nice little sip to hold them over.

I've got 3 more huge heads of romaine lettuce ready for harvest this weekend. I've got some outer leaves of swiss chard I could harvest and  could harvest some basil & dill if needed. Tomato plants are growing by leaps and bounds. Blooms are popping out on atleast four of the plants. I've got 2 jalepeno plants with flowers on them. And both types of my peas (sugar snaps & alaskan) have little white flowers on them! Um, bush beans? I don't know they aren't looking as chipper as I'd like them to, so I may plant a few more of them in a rubbermaid container or something to see if they'll grow better? Some of the plants are a really healthy green, but others are turning yellow with dirty spots on them? Gotta research the problem soon, but again this year was all about grow as many different things as possible, formulate questions, and be extra prepared next year! I'm happy with my efforts & results thus far, which is all that really matters :D

We harvested a few more strawberries off of the few plants we have and man I hate myself for not putting in 50 of those plants this year because they taste like they grew in a bucket of sugar! I kid you not! Savannah, LOVES running to the DAH BERRIES to see if she gets to eat one! And when we go check on our four blueberry bushes for some reasons she breathes in really deep to smell them and then says awh like they're flower bushes or something! LOL   Too Cute!

My 1st round of cukes are kinda peeking my interest/concern? I don't know if I've got too much manure in that bed or not, because I've got a few that the leaves are turning almost white? So I don't know if I didn't have the tender plants shielded enough from the sun on initial transplant or what, but am keeping a really close eye on them. But not to fear I have 26 other cucmber plants started in the kitchen window that are all about 3 inches tall that can go in right behind these if need be?

1/4 watermelon has made it so far, I'm going to replant watermelon from seed straight in the ground where the other 3 seedlings died back due to lack of water. But if the weather is calling for rain it could atleast shower a bit? Seriously!

Gotta find a spot to throw my cantaloup & pumpkins out next week!

Well that is all or now, good night, and happy growin to all! :D

, ijustwannagrow

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