Monday, April 16, 2012

Well I'm SO BEHIND this year for 2012!

Well welcome back to ijustwannagrow's blog spot where I'll be posting the Taylor's BackYard Homesteading Project progress, as we continue to work toward being more self-sustainable. We may not reach fully self-sustainability on this piece of property, but we're working toward trying. As you can see we have successfully brooded our first 5 family chickens ever, and have 6 more on order from They will arrive the week of June 18th, 2 white leghorns, 2 Silver Laced Wyandotte, & 2 Easter Eggers! HELP, I'm addicted already! LOL

Since I over did it trying to ignore my neck aggravation, the hubs went ahead and tacked up the pea fencing around the back two corners of one of my 4 x 4 x 20 beds. I've got pea flowers out on this pot of peas. Sometime this week the back two corners from the inside of bed will be lined with peas, and that 4x4 bed is going to be planted with carrots & radishes. This will be my first hand at trying carrots, and can't tell you how excited I am to take a swing at them!

Stay tuned MORE to come. Welcoming Spring with open arms!

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