Thursday, December 27, 2012

Spring -13's must haves?

Yeah, up way too late again reading gardening blogs, watching you tube videos, and sketching out my spring "must haves" to grow. Well I have the space, but the problem is I'm just one person and getting the area prepped and ready is daunting! I know what I need to get done, but it's like every minute that ticks is another minute lost in prep time! Why do we need to sleep? We lose 8 good gardening hours while we're sleeping!

For sures-
Mesculin Mix
Romaine, Butter Crunch, Leafy Lettuce
Bunching Onions (Scallions)
Spinach (since I know how to grow now)
Dinosaur & Curly Leaf Kale
Green, Sugar Snaps, & Snow Peas

I know that I've got one 8 x 4 x 20 spare bed open and ready. I've got to get at least 2 more ready to accommodate everything I "MUST HAVE" for Spring!

Summer Garden will be in the front yard this year. I've got some time 'til April to get that garden spot ready. But I've only got 'til Feb to get that Spring garden prepped and ready! I want LOTS of peas and I can put those out in Feb! So here's to gettin this garden party started!


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