Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Dear Gardening Fairy!

So in my normal "late night" quest for more organic gardening knowledge I stumbled upon this new blog:
http://www.motherofahubbard.com/ . Her face book address is: http://www.facebook.com/MotherofaHubbard . And a youtube video from her as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10-CXWbJ_YE&feature=player_embedded . How inspiring? OMG! You have to check it out. I was SO thrilled to see that this person is growing so much food on a slope. My yard is so problematic from where we used to have so many gumball trees filling it and the water washed between the trees leaving big ruts and slops off to one side. I've been doing my physical best trying to turn my soil over by hand via my two hands and a shovel. By hand for two reasons: #1 because I've learned from all of my reading/youtube videos that tillers/tractors disturb the soil structure and that soil is living and needs to be handled with care. #2 because I have tree roots the size of shovel handles running like a spider web all under my grass. I've been on my knees with loppers physically clearing out tree roots and it's no use! I just wish I could leave a "wish" under my pillow for a gardening fairy who could wave a magic wand to help me get to where I desire/NEED to be!
I'm not afraid to ask questions, so I'm hoping that by asking questions I'll learn more to be able to grow my family healthy organic vegetables & fruits!

This is my 2013 resolution: to grow as much of our own healthy organic vegetables/fruits that I can! Oh and chicken eggs too! And last but not least prepare to get some duckies for our yard to help eat those buggies that like to chew on our vegetables!

This side of my yard is the as flat as it gets, but it slopes down to the right corner.

I'm trying my BEST to get that grass smothered out so I can buildup raised soil beds, but this is slow growing with finding enough cardboard and news paper. But still pushing forward!

I'm wondering if this paper mulching (omri safe) would be better than the cardboard and I could roll it out and use as a weed barrier then building soil rows on top?


Under the landscape uses these are the application instructions, so I think I can use this product. I'm going to order a small role to try out:

  1. Prepare the area by removing unwanted rocks and debris
  2. No need to de-weed! WeedGuardPlus goes directly over weeds or grass
  3. Cover entire planting area with the WeedGuardPlus product that's right for your garden: for Landscaping the ideal choices are Heavy Weight plain or creped (for easy contouring)
  4. Use sharp scissors to trim product to your garden space: it's easy to trim WeedGuardPlus to fit around trees and shrubs
  5. Cover the area with a layer of weed free soil mixed with compost
  6. Use a planting dibble to punch a hole through the soil & WeedGuard layers and place plants in desired locations
  7. Cover the area with bark and wood chips for a beautiful finished look

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