Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sprouts continue to sprout!

For Valentine's Day this year my husband is being super sweet and getting me grow lights and seed starting mats. It's like the BEST Valentine's Day ever!  Will post pics next week after it all arrives and gets set up! But in the meanwhile I'll just give a quickie update on what's growin:

Rosemary seems to still be growing, but I can tell it's time to fertilize them with some organic fertilizer.

I can't believe how this cheap little greenhouse has restored life to a completely dead pot of Italian flat leaf parsley from last season!

This is a multiplier onion. Also known as a potato onion.

According to a friend of mine "Margo" who is a certified organic farmer. A real farmer. I only farm in my fantasies/dreams!  She said, "peel off all the brown, outer skins. You should find several "cloves" that can be carefully separated and each one planted". So if that's what Margo says, "you can pretty much bank on it". I'm thankful she knew what to do because I could hardly find anything on the internet about these suckers! So happy planting potato onions ya'll!

What THYME is it? I could begin using Thyme if I chose to, it's pretty much ready to go back into the garden beds, but will wait until it's much warmer. So glad I've got them growing again ahead of time. Definitely a jump start!

On my way back in from church I checked my greenhouse and I just can't say enough about how much it makes my day to see fresh new seedlings emerging everyday!!!!!

Super excited for this new rearranged/repurposed set of raised beds! More pictures to follow in coming weeks. I've got the chicken coop moving to the end of these two beds so that the chickens will work these beds in between season changes to clean out the buggies/fertilize/and turn my soil! Love my chickens, they're really hard workers!
I think the most exciting sprouts I have right now are leek, glad stone onions, & ever bunching green onions. I've never grown any of these from seed. I've never grown leeks or glad stone onions before. It's a whole new journey that I pray ends bountiful!


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