Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Friday night taco night on Tuesday night?

Why is that when some one mentions they're having tacos at home you immediately CRAVE them regardless if you specifically bought a corn tortilla press for Friday night taco night at home and it's only Tuesday night? It's bar none my FAVORITE meal at home! Most of the time it doesn't matter what your economic status is, taco night normally fits in there somewhere! Memories of my dad making us tacos before we went to church on a Wednesday night or two. Nothing like a hard shell taco straight from the box. I'm a die hard crunchy taco fan; however, with our venture & journey on doing "more with less" this seemed like it could fit in for the future IF it went well. Other than the first one being a bit too thick (would have rocked as a tostada for sure) it went superb! My family seemed to enjoy the extra effort mom put out there for them, but regardless it is even cheaper to just make them than buy them in a box (but I still have a small stash). And it didn't take but a second well actually 15 seconds on each side in a non greased/oiled cast iron skillet! The $16 I paid for the press should keep on giving and pay for itself not to far in the future! So give it a whirl, it's NOT hard! And the home made taco seasoning is a MUST do! No more prepackaged seasonings for sure thanks to pinterest. Just do a search and then adjust for your taste. I added more oregano to mine, 'cause that's just how I roll!

Happy Future Taco Nights in your home w/ your family


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