Saturday, May 7, 2011

Corn & Okra plots are planted!

Well since it is going to rain off and on for a few days I decided to dive right in and get those seeds in the ground while the soil was nice and workable! So I planted 2 rows of cow peas, 2 rows of pole beans, 2 rows of okra (clemson spineless my favorite), I got 8 short rows of two different kinds of corn, 4 watermelon transplants, and transplanted 2 more blueberry bushes into big pots for this year. Will be moving blueberries in the fall, so I just put the last 2 blueberry bushes into large planters for now.

Can I just say that my back has a slight radiating warm burning across every muscle in my back from the very bottom to the very top of my head? So when I show up to church tomorrow and I look like I've been drug out and beat today's festivities are the reason.

I guess the other reason why I did SO much today was because after I submitted my last final this morning, I had to just work off the overwhelming amount of stress that had built up over the semester. Well needless to say, I'm unstressed all in one day! LOL

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