Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Let the Compost Bin System building begin!

Savannah & I scored 7 recycled pallets today! Paid $6 for 7 of them and they loaded them for me! What a deal! Have I mentioned how awesome it is that I have full time custody of the truck right now? LOL  Poor Agri-Van couldn't have pulled this score off! So now if the sunshine would please return I could get that project constructed and put it to good use immediately! I've been saving all of my garden clippings, cardboard, straw, etc. And I sometimes have more kitchen waste than my wormies can handle, so I have to bag it up and give them a couple of days to chomp the load down before I can add more. So between the wormies and the composting system I have somewhere to throw those excessive kitchen scraps. My next order of business in a few weeks is to print out a "your compost wanted flyer" for the neighbors. I'll supply them with a 5 gallon bucket and I'll collect every day or so to add to the compost pile if they'd be willing? 

Savannah saw her first real life Rooster today at the Farm Store. He even crowed at her several times. She grinned and scrunched that nose and yelled WOOSTER! The grown chickens were clucking, and the goat was chomping on some hay. Another unscheduled & unexpected learning experience :D But a fun one of which we took full advantage! I have to admit seeing those chickens made me want to get my coop and chicken run built even faster! I pictured homegrown healthy eggs, and egg shells for the compost pile flash out into a thought bubble! I'm getting closer as the days go by! Counting down the days!

I guess I'll try and get some housework done tonight, so that tomorrow when I've got some mommy "free time" ,which is a rarity, I'll be able to work outside in my garden!

And the rain has to stop so that the hubs can get that grass mowed down! He literally just mowed it and it is way over ankle deep again! If only I had my chickens to keep that grass down????? hmmmmm


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