Thursday, June 9, 2011

Garden update 06/09/11

My sweet 100's are now at 6ft tall and weighed down with little green & red tomatoes! And I know why they call this variety sweet 100. They are sweet & there are tomatoes everywhere! I have two of this variety and they are topping out at 6ft tall at this moment and still growing! Gotta love indeterminates :D  It's a surprise every time! My determinate heirloom varieties are as big as my fist and my mouth waters every time I go out looking for ANY little sign of ripening! It's like waiting for a new baby to come!

My pole beans are still looking like swiss cheese and I actually caught two different kinds of beetles on one of the plants last night! When I plant the next round of pole beans & bush beans I'll definitely be covering them with row covers or netting of some sort! Although I went over and took a look at my mom's garden and she doesn't have ONE chew mark on hers and it is tearing me up why every beetle in Davidson county is in my beans?

Anyway, the beans have reached up and begun to climb, so they're still hanging in there! My purple cow peas are chewed up as well, but still growing and still a really healthy green color! My zucchini and patty pan that I planted two weeks ago from seed are growing quickly! The hubs told me he saw a bloom on one of the zucchini plants already? I'll have to go check tomorrow, because he may be seeing the two squash plants I transplanted in that bed two days ago. My squash tank bed that has 8 squash plants is making great progress! I have 3 plants that will take over that bed and I'll pull the other 5 out to give the 3 strongest the space to take over that bed! I didn't expect all 8 to make it, so my try to carefully dig out the 5 squash and transplant somewhere else? Squash doesn't like to be bothered, so worth a shot since they're headed to the compost pile anyway?

The first two rounds of cucumbers have died! I think those seeds are the problem! I'm going to try and find some cucumber starters to plant so that I can get some cucumbers this season! I hate I wasted time thinking it was me and it was the seed the whole time!

Hope the nice muggy hot weather has inspired you to get out and grow some tomatoes and squash!

,ijustwannagrow :D

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