Monday, June 6, 2011

Pole Beans & Cow Peas update

Well, I see new growth on the beans & peas. I guess that's good news? I went ahead and re-dusted those & all the other vegetables with diatamaceous earth to keep ahead of the buggies. I've positioned the trellising over the pole beans now and they are tall enough to reach the second row of netting. So we're still growing at this point. I'll take small victories from day to day!
I've got 2 4x4 beds that I hope I can get filled up with compost/soil amendments by the end of the week before the rain hits this weekend. Not really sure what I'm going to plant in them other than more squash. I may save one of the beds for the beginning of mid July plantings.

Anyway, don't give up on your veggies!


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