Sunday, January 20, 2013

First spinach harvest for our turkey sandwiches!

Whelp! Today was the "big" day! We harvested fresh organically grown Spinach today! And nothing makes me more proud then watching my daughter grab a handful (her sized hand) of fresh vegetables especially spinach and puts it on her own sandwich. I mean the kid is just 3.5 and she won't eat a chicken nugget! On the rare occasion she's been given a fastfood cheeseburger out of necessity she will only eat the bun with ketchup. And she doesn't eat well out to eat unless it's breakfast food, so I guess the parents are doing alright after all. She's asked us in a parking lot if we could go home and eat in mommy's kitchen. No joke, the hubs will vouch. Just about made me cry walking on into the restaurant!

Harvesting the first spinach that we've ever successfully grown. Just about 15 steps from the kitchen door.

She put her own spinach on her own sandwich. And ate every piece of spinach!

Yep we grew all that dark green healthy stuff! And with NO chemicals!      

So proud of our little family, just trying to learn more and do better! I love you Savannah, my little garden buddy <3


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