Sunday, January 20, 2013

Low Tunnel project completed! Tah Dah!

This is part 2 to yesterday's blog: "On the grow again..I just can't wait to grow again". So this morning I went out side and grabbed some loose plastic that I had over my spinach/mesclun mix and brought it into the living room where I finished my low tunnel I started last night. One of 3 are completed. I have to go buy more plastic today for the other two. But so far I've not had to buy anything other than a pack of staples. I recycled everything else I had here. So look around your house/yard before you run out and buy anything.
Other than your choice of bendable fencing and the mil. plastic you desire. I used 4 mil because I'm in Zone 7 and it's mid winter at this point, but use what you have or need for your zone.

The wire snips on the top helped cute the fencing and the pliers on the bottom helped grab the wire to bed the edges or twist sharp pieces around other pieces of fencing, so I didn't cut myself or poke through my plastic.

Here I am sitting in the floor just watching some news and covering my low tunnel. It seemed easier to work with it upside down. Much easier. I did it all myself, just awkward at first because it was so easy. Maybe took 35 minutes.

TAH DAH, then you just weight down the ends or open them to vent! How simple is that? I take no credit for the design as I watched a video from Mother Earth News I posted in the prior blog I noted above.

I'm just so freaking excited these are this cheap and this easy. I won't need a greenhouse at all after I built my custom cold frame. But that's another project and another blog!

Here's the view the growing vegetables will have from below the low tunnel. Don't laugh you know you were as curious as I was!  LOL

 And now for an update on what's growing outside. I'm telling you there is nothing like going out of your front or back door and in just a few steps you find food growing!!!!
I only grew a few Mesclun seeds this time, because I have failed every time I've tried to grow. Well I never read the back of the package. Most lettuce seeds that I have including this one needs light to germinate. Well I've always covered with soil and even just a dusting at that; however, for Mesclun any soil delays germaination for me. I don't know why, but I just left them uncovered and they actually germinated, so I've ordered 2oz from High Mowing Seeds this morning and I'm going to try and fill a bed with Mesclun mix now that I know I CAN grow it! Growing your own is faster than a drive thru window folks!

Um, someone please tell my chives it's still middle of winter? These are completely uncovered and growing with new growth even in 20 degree temps at night? 

I've never grown spinach before either. Again never really bothered reading the package. And the great thing now is you can find a bazillion FREE youtube videos learning how to do ALL of this, so don't be afraid to try and fail a few times. Something WILL grow, you just have to try!

The surprise of the century is this little momma! This is an Egyptian walking onion. I planted about 25. I had ordered 50 and shared with a  sweet gardening friend back in the Fall. The directions CLEARLY state don't wait long to plant, well I just didn't get around to it until about 2 weeks ago and it came up! Those things were so dry and crumbly that they basically fell apart in my hand. I had very LITTLE hope that any sign of life would emerge, but I planted them and just left it to God! HE is SO amazing! It's really a great lesson! If I let MORE to GOD the same thing would happen and I wouldn't have worried a bit! He's always in control, but I just get in the way!

I learned about Egyptian Walking onions on You Tube one day. Well no take that back my mothernlaw told me that Grandaddy and Grandmother used to grow these onions that would multiply themselves, but couldn't remember what they where called. I looked and searched until I found what they were. I saw them on a you tube video and finally found where to order them.

Word to the wise you can only order these in the fall I believe and for a limited time. You can learn all about them at that website.


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