Monday, January 28, 2013

The Febraury Itch

I know it's not just me, but for those of us who are still learning to grow all four seasons of vegetables Feb is about the time I go into "i want to plant every seed" I can get my hands on now, now, now! Well it's been one of those days that I HAD to stick my bare hands in soil kinda days!
Well my little portable greenhouse must be working? I'm seeing new chives popping up every where. I just LOVE seeing that fresh lively green emerging through all of the dead chives from last season.

Again in my little portable greenhouse I've got "brand new" Italian flat leaf parsley" begging to emerge from last years barely living remnants. Again just THRILLS me and tickles me PINK or well green! LOL I'll be trimming all of those dead leaves/stems away this weekend.

Well this propagated rosemary has now made it 2 weeks transplanted back into soil. I'm going to deem this successful! Also transplanted 3 more this evening. Those 3 transplants will be photo'd below.

Before I put in my little "until then" greenhouse this thyme was basically way past crash cart recovery until spring came. BUT the stems are no longer brittle and the fragrant smell of thyme is coming back. Stems are softer and bendable. Bright green color is starting to emerge! YAY! 

By the way this clear spray bottle with just water in it now stays in my greenhouse. It's handy dandy to spritz the seedlings as needed. Plus the water temp is going to be much closer to what the plant/soil temps are like this I believe? If not I like to think so, so shhhh no one tell me other wise ;)

We cut up 3 more clear milk jugs we've been saving up and rinsing out to use as hot caps when we need to do so in several weeks.

Don't toss the bottoms. They make good scoopers in the chicken feed, I've seen people use them taped back up to the top part as a green house. And many more uses out of them.
So today, we grabbed our box of seeds (mostly partial packages) that really need to be used soon and decided we were in the seed starting mood again. HA! Like that mood ever goes away? NOT! Sharpie, wooden chop stick (used to poke holes in the soil), vegetable marker labels, seeds (OF COURSE), and a clear lid to hold the seeds while we're planting (we don't have to chase seeds across table the lip of lid contains the seeds).

We've got our seed tray filled with ORGANIC potting mix. Got our water bottle. Got the BEST garden helper, hands DOWN. And we're ready to plant!

Look how "quick" she is on that water bottle. Not a dry seed in the house today, LOL!

Tah Dah! She helped hold the front flap open, so mommy could load the seed tray in her greenhouse!

We started:    
Kale- 4 Red Russian &  4 Winterbor
Broccoli- 4 Nutriblend 4
Lettuce- 4 Redina & 4 Bib blend
Pac Choy- 4
Swiss Chard- 4 Ruby
Lettuce- 4 Romaine

Loving my low tunnels! I've got chives waking up all down the right hand side in there! More mesclun mix is sprouting and so is more spinach.

Proud of myself, never grown pac choy. It's a pretty little baby plant! Hope to grow a BUNCH of it!

Got another bed ready to plant this weekend! I've got it covered with chicken wire, so kitties can get into it and make me MAD! A whole other blog about kitties and gardening, but not today! Love my new light weight rake even though the handle snapped on me today. Still totally usable though! Being SO light weight it is PERFECT to rake across a raised bed, doesn't hurt your back at ALL! The dirt pile past this bed at the top of picture is where I'm erecting another 8x4x20 bed. Just gonna build them until I run out of room! 

Pulled 3 more thyme plants that I want to bring out of last years dormancy! So I've re-potted them into fresh ORGANIC potting soil. And also transplanted 3 of my successfully propagated rosemary plants into fresh ORGANIC soil. So my next round I'll be mailing to friends in other states to share my propagation. Just wanted to make sure that I had successfully propagated first! I think I DID for sure! I'm SO proud of myself!

You know exactly what I'm about to say if you follow my bog! Yep!


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