Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Scored lunch from the garden today!

I had a plain 'ol can of chicken breast and wondered hmmmm what am I going to do with this? Opened the refrigerator and saw the champagne vinegar, Hellman's cholesterol free mayo, & a jar of german mustard w/herbs. So we ran out to the garden and picked a hand full of fresh dill. I handed the DEEL (as Savannah calls it) to her and showed her how to pull the springs away from stem. As she worked on that I through the remaining portion of the chicken salad together! Grabbed her DEEL sprigs and stirred them into the chicken salad. We both LOVED it! Just ate it as it was with a fork. No bread, no crackers...SO good!

I had half of an heirloom tomato I needed to use, so I ran out to the garage to some basil pots that I'm getting ready to transplant and pulled a hand full of leaves off from them. Chopped the tomato and basil. Tossed both with olive oil, s&p, and some basalmic vinegar. SO YUMMY

For dessert we both split a Chobani Greek Yogurt w/ Honey! I had water and she had a grape juice.

I LOVE MY GARDEN! And it is only beginning :D

Fresh Herbs at your fingertips make for a great lunch on the fly!


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