Saturday, May 21, 2011

Yes, some of us do get this excited over fresh organic peas!

Wish I wouldn't have over planted my peas in one spot, but I've got the right plan for the Fall crop planting & harvesting!

Today it is really our first humid day in my opinion! With the sinus congestion that dropped into my chest last night I just couldn't be out there more than 30 minutes.


I will have to go back out this evening after 7 o'clock. I tried to start to mulch my pole beans, but only got 1/2 of them mulched and had to quit. In between the humidity, congestion, and the mask I was wearing I felt like I was suffocating!

But we did pick some peas before I came in, so that will temporarily hold me until I can go back out!

Also, sprinkled my organic Azomite granulated rock dust in the open spot where the broccoli was harvested already. This will add 70 trace elements back into my soil, so that the next vegetables: (basil, peppers, & two tomato plants that HAVE to go out like 5 days ago! San Marzano plants!

Helped Clint transplant his black eyed susan vine the girls bought him to remind him of his mother before I came in to the house. Standing in the cooler garage transplanting wasn't so tough to breathe.

Did score a self-recycle project! My PVC hoop house 4x8 that we made in Jan was recycled and re- purposed by hack sawing in half to make a hoop house frame for 2 different 4x4 beds. No waste here! Waste not want not! :D

Get out there and grow something people it's awesome!


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