Tuesday, June 28, 2011

It's raining free water!

Well thank the Lord we finally got a good rain last night through this early morning! Got heavy wind as well, but last time I ran out in between the storms I didn't sustain any damage to my vegetables! But I'm totally excited that we finally got some "FREE" water on the garden! I have definitely seen an increase in my water bill since the summer started. Hand watering is tiring expensive & tiring.

When I walked out in between the storms it looked like my zucchini grew 6 inches within two hours. Clint later went out and came in and said WOW what a good steady rain will do, did you see your zucchini? I said, yeah man it looks like it just grew in a few hours! So it wasn't just me wanting to believe my zucchini plants are now almost waist high! They're huge! Just waiting on those blooms to start opening up soon :D  I'm ready to start eating zucchini!

Squash update: still have no squash yet! Plenty of male blooms opening. Female blooms are still locked up tight! Maybe this really good rain will open them up?  :(

I also noticed that my patty pan squash is growing really well now. I was wondering there for a week or so because they weren't growing as fast as the zucchini. The next round of onions have started popping up. I'm planting the rest of those onions this weekend. By the end of summer I'm gonna have lots of red & white onions!
My last round of squash seedlings are going outside tomorrow evening. I'll cover them with landscape fabric so that they don't get shocked when transplanting. Next year all squash & zucchini family plants will be started in the ground from seed. I think they grow faster, harder, and healthier quicker than transplants. Cucumbers & squash did not like the transplanting and you could tell each of those original plantings took some transplanting shock!

Hope your gardening ventures are going well :D


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