Thursday, June 23, 2011

Garden Parooz

She said, "I eat it momma". I said, yes Savannah you can eat it because it's safe!
Growing a chemical free & non GMO vegetable for my daughter is like hitting the lottery. When she reached over and grabbed that tomato I felt like I had made my best effort to give her a healthy vegetable. It was a small victory in the grand scheme of things, but I plan on working harder as the days move forward to learn as much as I can about organic, chemical free, and non GMO growing. By doing so not only can I feed my family healthy food but possibly help feed others and teach others to do the same.
You know I didn't give nature (God's creation) enough credit that my pole beans would have made it, but although sparce, my pole beans have surpassed the first trellis. This morning the tallest of them is now hanging over trying to find somewhere to climb. Will HAVE to add trellising tonight no matter what! I'd love to just harvest one bean this year! It would really make it all worth it! I've never grown beans myself, so just one would be a victory! I'll hold my faith that there will be some sort of harvest whether big or small!
I built my 3 bin composting system myself. I've got to add the finishing touches as this is just the rough skeleton, but atleast now I have somewhere to start throwing my compost! I plant on attaching trellising around the outside as to dress it up a bit to keep it pleasing to the eye for the neighbor's. For me it would be fine as it is, but would like to continue the good relationship and support of my neighbors because chickens and possibly a few ducks are in the Taylor's near future! And no Cory & Caleb you can't harvest my ducks! LOL
I got 26 jalepenos today on 6-22. Yes I planted atleast 9 jalepeno plants! LOL  I've already got people lined up to take them which thrills me.
Still ALL male squash blooms. Now I've even got my husband calling me from work telling me he ran out and checked on his way to work and he's as disappointed as I am that still only male blooms. They're beautiful golden yellow blooms with no ladies to hook up with yet. This is so sad! I would have had a bucket load of squash already if I would have had atleast 1 female per male to this point! I'll hold my faith that someday the lady's will wake up and smell those sexy available male squash blooms hanging out waiting on them! I told a friend I'm going to start pulling out Barry White and letting it play out in the squash bed until someone gets happy and produces some fruit! Get busy squashes! It's okay it's biblical!
Again, another first time growing cataloupe. These vines are growing out of the bed now. I've got the 6 foot trellising structure put up, but still have to attach the netting. Will do this tomorrow evening and go ahead and start training up the trellising. Again, just happy to get this far!

When I left for KY these cucumbers were fried to a crisp and laying lifeless. So interesting story they were dead on the surface the entire time I was gone and when I got back; however, I made a worm casting compost tea just to see if they'd come back. I kid you not they even have bloom on them now! Can you believe that? The power of the worm is amazing!
Okay, I hate giving up so I decided to try bush beans 1 more time this season! And we're off to a good start! Last crop the beetles destroyed the entire bed, so I'm going to row cover these this weekend to avoid that problem again! We'll see?

If something fails, don't give up until you get it just right. May take a couple of tries, but you'll get it!


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