Thursday, June 30, 2011

It's not you it's me?

Okay, so had a sulky moment tonight as I stared out of my kitchen window at my "all boys club" squash bed! I went ahead and fertilized that bed with an organic fertilizer tonight as I watered, but when I talked to my FNL tonight he recommended some lime! It just so happens I had already ordered and received organic lime months ago, so I actually have some on hand. Although I guess I need to wait a few days before I add that to the bed as well?

As the hubs and I were skyping with his parents I made the comment since they weren't producing I was going to end up ripping them out of there and composting them. My sometimes "witty" MNL says, hey that's what we do with daughternlaws that don't reproduce when we want them to reproduce! Um, HARSH! LOL

Anyway, I planted about 50 more onion sets. I noticed that the last 30 sets that I just planted a week ago are now coming up. I'm trying this "succession planting" thing that I forget to do each time I plant something all at once! LOL 

The "Lazarus" cucumbers that raised from the dead on their own are really coming in nice and strong and there are bright yellow blooms everywhere. Both the pickling and the regular slicing cucumbers.

I went ahead and planted about 8 more squash seedlings I started as a back up in hopes I see yellow squash this season! It is killing me. I can always grow that stuff! I will not accept defeat I tell you! I will see yellow squash!

Maybe it's not the squash that's the problem? Maybe it's me! Maybe I haven't fertilized enough?

I'll be working on two more beds in the next two weeks in preps for Fall plantings of blue leaf curly kale, swiss chard, broccoli, turnips, lettuce, carrots, collard greens, etc  I guess really I need 4-6 more beds, but I can probably get 4 more beds up by end of July!

Don't forget if you didn't get a chance to grow during Spring or Summer 2011 there is still Fall & Winter 2011 yet to grow!


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