Friday, July 1, 2011

Pole Beans.....

I'm going to go ahead and plant another round of pole beans this evening since I have the open space to do so and I think I've got the hang of them now. Not that they're hard to grow, but now I've read up more on them I think the 2nd round will be more successful than the first round. Although the 1st round is definitely growing and blooming out, I'd like to see what the next round can do. I also noticed that my bush beans that have surfaced have a bunny munch on one of them! Will take care of that little bunnies tale tonight before they wipe out this crop too!

I just harvested lunch moments ago! I had a small salad plate full of yellow pear tomatoes, red sweet 100's, torn basil, diced mozzarella, tossed in salt/pepper & roasted garlic balsamic's lunches like these that make me glad I put the hard work into the garden this year! YUM!

I've been eyeballing a BIG space in the front yard to start to develop a front garden for next year. So this year lots of organic matter, manure, sea weed, and leaves to prepare that bed for an amazingly productive Spring 2012!


PM Garden Walkthrough:
While the hubs was mowing the grass Savannah and I sat in the living room floor and built a bamboo & jute twine pole bean tp trellis support! Now that was fun with a 2 year old! She started off very helpful, well until she grabbed one end of the jute twine roll and took off running across the living and then around the tp and then around to the other side. That was a counterproductive mess there, but it was so cute and wish I'd gotten her "helping me" on video! I hope she remembers atleast a smidgen of our gardening adventures this year, because I sure will! But our gardening diary is on the internet, so no matter what she should be able to find it again one day :D
After Clint came in from mowing and took over and switched to Daddy Daycare I ran out and positioned our tp trellis in which I will take pictures of tomorrow and upload just for memories sake! I plopped right in the middle of 3 squash plants! I read where the beans will give the squash a continuous supply of nitrogen, which that's kinda handy since squash is such a heavy feeder!
I also planted another row of pole beans in one of the empty raised beds, and dropped 8 more squash seeds (last of that pack) on the front and back of those pole beans. I think have just enough time to get squash off of those plants if they make it in that bed? Time will only tell!
So I just got back in from my evening walk through and watering festivities and I unexpectedly ran across (are you sitting down?) a 3 1/2 inch green bean just chillin and hanging around on the vine! I yelled OMG I'm SO happy to see you! I had to contain myself since there were neighbor's out eating pizza in their backyard, but I was SO screaming with excitement on the inside!
And as I walked backwards to my cowpeas (purple hull peas) I noticed these huge, thick, and long feelers that have shot out of the plants. Keep in mind I've never grown these myself, so I came into the Internet to find out what those are and realized that pretty soon the pea shoots will be at the end of those feeler looking things. I could not be more tickled right now! Of course I do not expect to get an amazing amount of any of the beans this year, because I didn't plant a lot of them, because I planted all kinds of stuff in small quantities as a test garden this year.

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