Friday, June 24, 2011

Pole Beans have BLOOMS!

WOW am I excited and was so proud to add the next piece of net trellising for them to continue to climb on! Tomorrow I'll add the net trellising to the other side of the swing set tomorrow, in case they wanna keep on climbing down the other side?

I added the trellis netting to the cantaloupe bed and started to train the cantaloupe plants up the trellis! Will build my cucumber trellis tomorrow so that I can start training those vines up in hopes of eventually getting cucumbers?

I'm still cleaning out my very first bed in preparing for mid july's planting of my turnips, collards, and kale! I'm looking for additional items around the garage and house to recycle into another 2 4x4 raised beds for my lettuce, radish, and swiss chard beds. I've got a stack of extra bricks, but don't know if I have quite enough to finish out one bed or not?

Gardening tomorrow in between sets of laundry!

Okay I wasn't going to say anything, but don't expect corn this year! It's like 99% chance not going to happen! It is tasseling out and it's only rib high! And my rib height isn't tall! But that's okay I'll have corn for sure next year now that I've went through this experiment and have learned a lot more about corn!

Keep those text photos and facebook tags sharing your gardening experiences, 'cause I'm loving them! My mom has 5 watermelons the size of her hand and she's pretty excited! I would be too, but the birds got mine right off the bat!


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