Friday, January 11, 2013

Seed starting

Our 2 -36 cell greenhouse kits came today

She picked out her spinach, lettuce, and dinosaur kale seeds. Mommy grabbed a bowl of water and a measuring cup for her to scoop out water. What 3 yr old turns down an opportunity to play in the water.

She's wetting down the peat pots and waiting for them to grow, so she can begin planting her seeds.  Galations 6:7 -Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

It constantly amazes me how a tiny dried up seed becomes something so beautiful! A 3yr old finger next to a spinach seed. God is SO amazing!

Okay, lettuce seeds are so tiny you can hardly pick them up, but yet with water, soil, and sun they grow into beautiful living things. God is SO amazing!
Planting all of the spinach herself. She only dropped one seed out of 36! She's awesome!

Well done my grasshopper! Mommy loves you and am so proud of you! She planted all 36 spinach seeds herself with quite precision. She's been planting seeds with her own hands and little fingers since she was 18 months old. I'm so proud of her excitement to learn and be apart of learning to grow her own healthy food. God gives us the ability to do more things than we would ever imagine that we're capable of, gardening and growing your own food is one of them. And it also gives you the ability to feed a friend, family, or the unknown that are in need of food.

72 seedlings begin there germination and life will start to emerge in about 7-10 days. We'll watch every day for the first sign of life peaking through. We got to discuss the "greenhouse effect" today. Although Ms. Amanda would have done a much better job I'm sure <3

Okay now there's just a flat out "root party" in the propagated rosemary bowl! Going to definitely transplant this weekend, so I can propagate more and develop these current prolongations into good future healthy transplants.

Egyptian Walking onion sprouting! First time ever planting. I'm excited!

Next omlet day it's fresh healthy organic spinach harvest day! Can't wait until we plant our 36 more spinach plants that Savannah and I started today! We'll be eating lots of fresh spinach, dehydrating, and freezing ahead for the next 5 months!!!

Our egg harvest for today

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